I haven’t heard of this before, but it is important to quote it. A quotation looks good when given some CSS styling. Here, it reads better.

Rejection is the mother of Self Improvement

Rejection is tough. It’s even more when you get rejected in something you are good at. A similar experience happened with me today.

I have been looking for internships lately as a part of my college assessment process.

I had been shortlisted for one of those applications. I needed to pass an interview before getting the internship confirmation. I was quite excited about it, but I gave the interview being the stupidest I can be at that moment.

Eventually, they rejected me.

I can’t blame anyone other than me. The interview was for a MEAN stack based job. The issue was that I recently switched to MEAN stack from LAMP stack, about two months ago.

Wait, there’s more to explain before you judge the two months time span.

The problem were my end-year examinations that continued for entire 1 month. It’s not that I haven’t learned MEAN, but whatever I learnt had disappeared from my brain, and I was quite blank in the interview. So, it’s somewhere my fault that I haven’t gave it time.

Coming back to the now, I am more dedicated and determined to learn and explore MEAN. I want to improve, I want the self-improvement in me in terms of skills. Today’s rejection event will always play an important role in my life because I have never been rejected based on my skills.

I am not depressed or sad. Surprisingly, I am happy and feeling refreshed, ready to dive in books and tutorials to learn this MEAN.

Hopefully, this would bring some change in me. I will try to be better than myself.

Good Bye!